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Direct Marketing to Boost Sales and Generate Leads

Direct marketing is the practice of conveying or transmitting of promotional messages directly to prospective customers or clients or consumers on an individual. In this form of marketing, the potential clients are contacted without the use of intervening media. The consumers are reached via postal mail, telemarketing, direct e-mail marketing, and point-of-sale interactions.

The next attribute is that direct marketing is intended to driving purchases which are known as ‘call-to-action’. This engages a stress on traceable, computable upbeat (absolutely not negative) responses from the consumers. If the promotional message solicits the client to take a definite action, for example, an order or a visit to a store, visit a website or call a free phone number, then the attempt is regarded to be direct response advertising.

The several advantages of direct marketing may be enumerated as follows:

* Direct marketing facilitates you to connect straight with your customer or client – irrespective of if they are prospective clients or leads or end users or existing customers.

* It allows you to pinpoint, segregate and communicate with distinct target markets.

* Direct marketing can be used to test new markets and trial new products or customers as well as to remunerate existing customers.

* Economic - The expenditure on per acquisition of direct mail is considerably less than other marketing methods.

* Effortlessness of administration

* It ensures better management since it is simple to calculate results because one knows precisely how many clients one has contacted.

* Swift in realising results – Particularly so for telemarketing, one of the direct marketing tools, as the outcomes of a discussion can be logged instantly and scripts attuned immediately to get better results.

* Bonding with prospective clients - It is valuable in kicking off a meaningful discourse with new consumers.

Extensive outsourcing of direct marketing is being witnessed nowadays. Apparently, it benefits an organisation in terms of

* Lesser expenditure due to economies of scale;

* Improved ability to concentrate on core functions; and

* Enhanced internal management.

Further, Outsourcing services renders a single store that takes over the accountability for all your direct marketing needs. This consists of market study and exploration, approach, preparation and organisation. Outsourcing services offer access to know-how from a lineup of marketing professionals.

About the Author:

Myself webmaster of http://www.2touch.co.uk - customer lifecycle company for Direct marketing, inbound & outbound telephony services, up selling and cross selling by expert outsourced sales team.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Direct Marketing to Boost Sales and Generate Leads

direct marketing, up selling, cross selling